Friday, March 28, 2008

Yes been quiet, no haven't abandoned ship

Haven't been posting much recently. But no we haven't dropped the idea or jumped ship. Rather been very distracted by personal stuff with a child in hospital three times since early Feb, last admission was for a week after an infection sprang up needing to be operated on - the infection a result of heart surgery in mid-February.

Plus been waiting on the bank - despite being told we'd get a decision on our finance in 48 hours it turned into more like 3 weeks, and still counting. Although we've now had a verbal 'yes', and yesterday I dropped a big packet of documents to them - tax returns, insurance policies and the like. So it does all look very promising, and hopefully we're about to rock and roll.

Been working on building up action list so we can push the button just as soon as money confirmation comes through.

Unlike the movies, it's all a reminder that real life moves much more slowly that you sometimes would like. And that's business all over, so often you are at the mercy of forces outside your control. If you think it'll take a week, in reality budget a month. On CSI DNA tests come back in 15 minutes. In the real world it's more like a week.

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