Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Learning how not to serve the drunks

Off on the train this morning to town for a day’s training – Responsible Serving of Alcohol, plus Licencees First Step. RSA is the basic course that bar staff do so as to know how not to serve someone who is pissed. Well, that’s kinda the crux. It’s only a mandatory requirement for people who serve alcohol in a couple of specific circumstances – late night opening being one of them.

I guess it’s a way of trying to ensure that bar staff at the all night places know when to stop pouring drinks down the throat of some suburban blow in to the CBD, who’s likely to kick up trouble once he’s had a few too many. I’m not sure the plan’s working given the highly visible problems in town in recent months.

But the RSA is in general pretty useful, and seems to me everyone serving alcohol should do it. Our trainer Rob is an ex-copper who used to run the police licencing unit in town – which means he was at the pointy end when they cleaned up King Street in the 90s. It was a good session, Rob’s a good, practical to the point sort of trainer, who uses a fount of anecdotes and knowledge to powerfully illustrate how serving alcohol irresponsibly is potentially significantly detrimentral to your business.

The afternoon session, First Step, is designed (and a requirement) for people applying for a Liquor License. It’s a quick skim over the legislation, understanding how licensing works, common offences, signage and so on. Again Rob led the group, covering plenty of ground, but still leaving time for discussions and questions.

Oh, and now I know there’s a difference between ‘intoxicated’ and ‘drunk’. Apart from three Bacardi breezers…

A long day, but well worthwhile.

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