Friday, April 25, 2008

Possible premises

Interesting development today. Walking up the street, noticed a sign for lease on the window of the old coin laundry. The laundry closed a couple of months ago, there was a sign thanking customers for their business over the past 25 years, and explaining the building had been sold.

Now there’s a sign with a phone number to call about leasing – so I rang. We could get excited about this space. It’s reasonably large, but most importantly it’s immediately adjacent to the school crossing over to the local state primary school (where our son attends). Plus round the corner from the local Catholic primary school.

All those mothers dropping children off in the morning… and we have a ready made audience of a couple of dozen – the mother’s from our son’s class. It reignites the ideas we had about school lunch bags that we first talked about when we looked at the shop on Fitzroy Street a couple of months ago, opposite St Kilda Park Primary.

Finally there’s no immediate competition. There are other cafes around, but they’re further away up and down the street. We’d own the strip in front of school (albeit shared with the next door pizza/pasta restaurant, but they’re a different proposition and only open at night).

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