Thursday, February 7, 2008

Notes to self for today

- Chase agent for cafe #1 premises - we asked for an inspection, he said he was waiting on the key, that was 3 days ago
- Chase agent for cafe #2 premises - he's sent us a heads of agreement for the lease, and I emailed straight back querying a couple of things. One is a % of the council value of the property to go to a precinct marketing fund. Trouble is, it doesn't mention the value, so we could need to find several thousand dollars more a year in the budget
- Also want to check with him if he has any contractors for particularly the aiconditioning system install
- Chase the agents for the two existing cafe businesses we've made offers on - they've gone quiet for a week now since we faxed offers (and I told both a wouldn't consider changing the offer until I got some more detailed numbers).

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