Friday, February 22, 2008

Positive meeting at the bank

Had a great hour with the bank manager this morning. He told us again that the power point and financials we'd emailed over earlier this week were exactly what the doctor ordered. To his credit, he also mentioned at least one example of a client wanting to open a cafe and being knocked back by the bank's credit department. So our banker is quite correctly endeavouring to manage our expectations, by ensuring we understand there is no such thing as a 'given' when it comes to banks and credit.

However, he re-iterated his intent of personally handing our application to the credit manager - if necessary he'll book a 30 minute appointment and sit down and run through the proposal in person. This is obviously significantly good - instead of our application just coming up on the credit boss' computer screen, along with dozens of others, we'll have an advocate staring him (her?) in the eye. Can't ask for more.

We're hoping for a decision next week. That would be brilliant.

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