Friday, February 8, 2008

Prepping for the bank

Today's mostly been about prepping for the bank. We've been re-writing the power point, and tidying the financials. The fitout budget is looking reasonably solid, and the cash flows are hanging together nicely - ratios seem right in terms of cost of goods, wages etc. Still battling the great unknowns - eg

  • just how quickly will revenue ramp up?
  • what's the theoretical maximum income we can show for each cafe whilst still legitimately supportable?
  • what balance between casual and permanent staff (been hedging the bets both ways, each has advantages, casual staff much more expensive because of the 25% loading, but permanent staff need holidays, sick leave etc)
We went out to lunch today to our favourite local hangout - the Brown Cow. As always good service and food. Full of tables of 'ladies who lunch' of course, being a weekday. But a lovely bubbling atmosphere. Couldn't help myself, spent half my time jotting notes into the Blackberry - mostly shopping lists of small bits and pieces we need to add to our budget (baby high chairs for example).

F was about ready to head hunt one of the waitresses - young, funky, terrific manner and friendly.

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